Page 69 - DSU Handbook
P. 69

Health and wellness services,
            counseling, and support

            Dayananda Sagar University (DSU) is
            dedicated to the holistic well-being of
            its students, o ering a range of health
            and wellness services. The university’s
            health center ensures prompt medical
            attention, while professional counselors
            address personal, academic, and
            emotional concerns. DSU fosters
            a supportive community through
            workshops, seminars, and individual
            counseling, promoting open dialogue
            on mental health.

                                               Recognizing that well-being extends   Anti-Ragging Cell
                                               beyond academics, DSU organizes    DSU maintains a zero-tolerance policy
                                               wellness programs,  tness classes, and   towards ragging, a social evil that
                                               recreational events to encourage a   can adversely a ect students both
                                               healthy lifestyle. The university’s holistic   psychologically and physically. Adhering
                                               approach ensures students have     strictly to UGC and AICTE regulations,
                                               the resources to thrive academically   the university has implemented rigorous
                                               and personally. By integrating health   measures to prevent ragging in all its
                                               services, counseling, and well-being   forms. Ragging includes acts such as
                                               initiatives, Dayananda Sagar University   teasing, rowdy behavior, psychological
                                               creates an environment where students   harm, and  nancial exploitation.
                                               can manage the various aspects of their   Consequences for those involved range
                                               well-being throughout their academic   from  ling FIRs with local authorities to
                                               journey. DSU’s commitment to student   cancellation of admission, suspension,
                                               support re ects its dedication to   debarring from exams, hostel eviction,
                                               fostering a positive campus culture that   rustication, and even expulsion, with
                                               values and prioritizes overall student   collective punishment applied when
                                                                                  culprits remain unidenti ed. DSU is
                                                                                  committed to ensuring a safe and
                                                                                  respectful environment, fostering a
                                                                                  sense of community, and discouraging
                                                                                  any form of harassment or misconduct.

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