Page 68 - DSU Handbook
P. 68





       Massive Libraries:
       Dayananda Sagar University (DSU)
       takes pride in providing state-of-the-
       art academic resources and fostering
       a conducive environment for learning
       and research. The university’s libraries
       are well-equipped with an extensive
       collection of books, journals, and digital
       resources catering to diverse disciplines.
       With a commitment to supporting
       scholarly pursuits, the libraries o er
       students and faculty access to a wealth
       of information, promoting independent
       research and academic exploration.  Unlike traditional academic resources,
       DSU has modern laboratories equipped   DSU o ers various innovative tools
       with cutting-edge technology, ensuring   to enhance the learning experience.
       students gain practical exposure to   Digital libraries provide access to
       various  elds of study. Disciplines   e-books, journals, and online databases,
       such as engineering, sciences, and   ensuring students stay abreast of the
       healthcare bene t from well-maintained   latest  eld developments. The university
       and adequately stocked laboratories,   also emphasizes the importance of
       fostering hands-on learning experiences.   collaborative spaces, fostering teamwork
       The laboratories are designed to   and group projects.
       meet global standards and facilitate   DSU’s commitment to academic
       innovative research initiatives.  excellence is re ected in its continuous
       The Tech Power at DSU:            investment in upgrading and expanding
                                         its infrastructure. The provision of
       The computer facilities at DSU are   well-equipped libraries, advanced
       comprehensive and up-to-date,     laboratories, and cutting-edge
       providing students with access to   computer facilities underscores the
       the latest software and technology.   university’s dedication to providing a
       Computer labs are equipped with   holistic and contemporary educational
       high-speed internet, enabling seamless   experience for its students. These
       connectivity for research, project work,   resources empower students to
       and academic activities. The university   engage in meaningful research,
       prioritizes the integration of technology   develop practical skills, and emerge as
       into the learning process, preparing   well-rounded professionals ready to
       students for the digital demands of their   contribute to their respective industries.
       respective industries.

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