Page 67 - DSU Handbook
P. 67

Discussion Room:
                                                                                  There are ten Discussion study zones in
                         Library and Information Centre                           the library and these are open for DSU
                                                                                  students, research scholars & faculty
                    ONLINE E-RESOURCES AND DATABASES                              members. Each room has an LCD
                                                                                  Monitor and LAN (internet) connection
                Sl.    Particulars       URL/ Link         QR Code    Access Type   for personal laptops to prepare &
                                                                                  practice seminars and project works.
                                                                      IP based and   More readers prefer to sit & study in this
                01             Remote     kind of study room.
                                                                                  A Reservation Policy is followed for use
                                                                                  of the Discussion Rooms. Details can be
                                                                                  had from the Librarian.
                                                                      IP based and
                02                                                                Future plan of the library:
                                         Login.aspx                     based
                                                                                  Implement RFID technology with all
                                                                                  the modules shortly

                                                                                  Establish a virtual library

                                  IP based
                03                                                                Establish collaboration with foreign
                                                                                  university libraries, by becoming a
                                                                                  member to access their collections

                                                                                  Develop a digital library collection &
                                                                                  install the digital library software
                04                IP based   Bulletin board and article alert service

                                                                                  through the Internet to the faculty

                                                                                  Place more book drops in the main
                                                   places of the campus following the
                05                         .in/                       Login based
                                                                                  implementation of RFID Technology
                                                                                  Self-Checkout Station: Students can

                                                                                  borrow the required books from this
                                                                       IP based   point by themselves
                                                                                  Book drops o er unprecedented
                                                                                   exibility and convenience of returning

                                                                                  library items at any time of the day, even
                                                                                  when the circulation section is closed
            Library Services:                  Kindle Smart E-Reading Zone        Handheld Reader: With this device

            • Books lending service            Service:                           misplaced books can be traced out
                                                                                  without wasting the student’s time.
            (Borrowing facility)               The New Library Facility is extended by
            • Book reservations and renewals   providing four numbers of Kindle smart   The DSU library is committed to
            • Open Access                      E-Reading in search of more than 1.5   providing a supportive environment
            • New arrivals                     million e-books covering Engineering   for academic growth and excellence,
            • Reference/Referral Service       & Technology, Medicine, Business   characterized by its diverse resources,
            • Digital library services         Management, & other specialisations.    innovative services, and forward-looking
            • Inter-library loan                                                  plans for the future.
            • Reprography Service              A few Kindle e-reader features are
            • Newspaper clippings              mentioned below:
            • Current awareness service        • Small, convenient, and easily portable.
            • Library User Orientation Programs   • One click on a particular word, will give
            • Internet access service          the reader the Wikipedia meaning of the
            • E-learning Service               word, with translations in 19 languages,
            • Electronics databases & resources  and its dictionary meaning.

                                               • 80,000 + Engineering and 40,000
                                               medical-related e-books can be found in
                                               the library.

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