Page 84 - DSU Handbook
P. 84




       Dayananda Sagar University (DSU)   c. Community Building Initiatives  Whether through academic support,
       welcomes a diverse community of   DSU encourages cross-cultural      cultural integration, or social
       international students, fostering a   interactions and friendships through   connections, DSU is committed to
       global learning environment. DSU   community-building initiatives. Social   providing a supportive and enriching
       recognizes the unique needs of    events, cultural celebrations, and   environment for its international student
       international students and is committed   international student clubs create a   community
       to providing tailored support     sense of belonging, allowing students
       throughout their academic journey. The   to share their experiences and celebrate
       International Students O ce serves as   diversity.
       a comprehensive resource hub, o ering
       guidance on visa processes, cultural
       adaptation, and academic integration.
       DSU’s vibrant campus community
       ensures a warm and inclusive
       atmosphere, facilitating interactions
       and friendships among students from
       various corners of the globe.
       a. Orientation Programs
       To ease the transition for international
       students, DSU conducts specialized
       orientation programs, providing
       insights into academic policies, campus
       facilities, and cultural nuances. These
       programs equip students with essential
       information to navigate university
       life and engage with the rich cultural
       diversity at DSU.
       b. Language Support Services

       DSU acknowledges the importance
       of language pro ciency in academic
       success. Language support services,
       including English language courses and
       peer-assisted learning, are available to
       help international students enhance
       their communication skills and
       comfortably participate in classroom

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