Page 81 - DSU Handbook
P. 81




             Dayananda Sagar University o ers a   Additionally, DSU values and    By o ering a diverse range of
             range of scholarships to deserving and   encourages talent beyond academics.   scholarships, DSU aims to create an
             meritorious students, ensuring that   Scholarships are available for students   inclusive and supportive academic
              nancial constraints do not hinder their   with exceptional achievements in sports   environment, empowering students
             educational aspirations.          and cultural activities, fostering a holistic   to unleash their full potential. These
                                               development approach.              scholarships not only recognize
             The university provides scholarships
             based on various criteria, including   The need-based scholarships are   individual accomplishments but
             academic merit, sports achievements,   designed to support students who   also contribute to building a diverse
             cultural accomplishments, and  nancial   demonstrate  nancial need, ensuring   and vibrant student community at
             need. Merit-based scholarships    that deserving candidates have the   Dayananda Sagar University.
             recognize outstanding academic    opportunity to pursue their education
             performance, encouraging students to   without undue  nancial burden.
             strive for excellence. These scholarships
             serve as a recognition of the hard work
             and dedication exhibited by students in
             their academic pursuits.

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