Page 86 - DSU Handbook
P. 86




       At Dayananda Sagar University (DSU),   Grievance procedures          Upon receiving a grievance, the Cell
       students’ rights and responsibilities form   A robust grievance redressal mechanism   conducts a thorough review, involving
       the cornerstone of a thriving academic   is in place to ensure that students have   all relevant parties, and aims to resolve
       community, fostering an environment of   a channel to address their concerns and   the issue promptly. Students are
       mutual respect and shared governance.   seek resolution fairly and transparently.   informed of the status and outcome of
       Students have the right to a safe and   DSU is committed to providing   their complaints, ensuring transparency
       inclusive learning space, ensuring   a positive and inclusive learning   throughout the process.
       freedom from discrimination and   environment, and the grievance     DSU encourages students to utilize
       harassment based on gender, race, or   procedures are designed to uphold this   the grievance redressal mechanism
       background. DSU upholds the principle   commitment.                  responsibly and assures them that
       of academic freedom, encouraging                                     their concerns will be treated with
       students to express diverse opinions and  Students can initiate the grievance   con dentiality and sensitivity. The
       engage in intellectual discourse.  process by submitting a written   university is committed to continuous
                                         complaint to the Grievance Redressal
       Moreover, students have the       Cell, clearly outlining the nature of the   improvement and values feedback as an
       right to access quality education,   grievance and providing any supporting   essential tool for enhancing the overall
       comprehensive resources, and      documentation. The Grievance       academic experience for its students.
       supportive faculty. DSU is committed   Redressal Cell comprises faculty and
       to providing an enriching academic   administrative representatives dedicated
       experience that empowers students to   to impartially investigating and
       achieve their full potential.
                                         addressing such concerns.
       With rights come responsibilities.
       Students are expected to adhere to
       academic integrity, maintaining honesty
       and ethical conduct in all academic
       pursuits. They must engage actively in
       their learning journey, attend classes
       regularly, and submit assignments
       within stipulated deadlines.
       Respecting the rights of others is
       paramount. DSU emphasizes a culture of
       inclusivity, where every student’s voice
       is heard and respected. Upholding the
       decorum of the campus, students are
       expected to contribute positively to the
       community, promoting a conducive
       learning environment for all.
       By recognizing and exercising their
       rights responsibly, DSU students
       actively contribute to the development
       of a harmonious and intellectually
       stimulating academic community.

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