Page 2 - Math G4 (second term) (4) booklet-_UNIT1,2
P. 2

Date:…../……./2024                           H.W: C.W: Absent:


Fraction :

Concept 1.1 composing and decomposing fractions.

Lesson 1:Unit Fraction.
Lesson 2:Decomposing Fractions.
Lesson 3:More of Decomposing Fractions.
Lesson 4:Fraction and Mixed Numbers.
Lesson 5:Adding Fractions and Mixed Number.
Lesson 6:Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Number.
Lesson 7: Adding and subtractiong.

Concept 1.2 Comparing fractions.
       Lessons 8:Comparing fractions with Like Denominators and Numerators.
       Lesson 9:Same Fraction, Different Ways
       Lesson 10:Benchmark Fractions.
       Lesson 11:Applications on the Benchmark .

Concept 1.3 Multiplication and fractions.
      Lesson 12: Equivalent Fractions Using the Identity property.
      Lesson 13: Equivalent Fractions Using Multiplication and Division.
      Lesson 14: Find The missing In Equivalent Fractions.
      Lesson 15: Multiplying by a whole.

Concept 1. Understanding Decimals

Lesson 1:Let’s Explore Decimals.

Lesson 2:Hundredths

Lesson 3:The Place Value.

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