Page 5 - Math G4 (second term) (4) booklet-_UNIT1,2
P. 5
Date:…../……./2024 H.W: C.W: Absent:
Unit (9)
Lesson (1): Unit Fractions.
Lesson (2): Decomposing Fractions.
Lesson (3): More of Decomposing Fractions.
Sara ate 1 piece of 8 equal pieces the fraction of the pizza = 1 is a unit
fraction ,it is read as one eighth.
Bassem ate 3 pieces of 8 equal pieces. The fraction of the
pizza he ate = 3 is a proper fraction It is read as three
? Noted that:
Fraction: a number that names a part of a whole or part of
a group.
Unit fraction: a fraction has a numerator of 1.
Proper fraction: a fraction its numerator is less than its denominator.
Composing fractions : Put fractions together to compose a new fraction or one
1 + 1 = 2 = 1 whole 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 = 1 whole
2 2 2
Decompose fractions : broken the