Page 4 - Math G4 (second term) (4) booklet-_UNIT1,2
P. 4
Date:…../……./2024 H.W: C.W: Absent:
Concept 2. Classifying shapes..
Lesson 5: Classifying Angles.
Lesson 6: Drawing Angles.
Lesson 7: Classifying Triangles.
Lesson 8: Drawing Triangles.
Lesson 9: Classifying Quadrilaterals.
Angles of a circle
Concept 1. Breaking the circle Into Angles.
Lesson 1 : The circle and The Degrees.
Lesson 2 : Measuring Angles Using The Circle Model.
Concept2 . Measuring and Drawing angles
Lesson 3 : Using Protractors.
Lesson 4 : Measuring angles.
Lesson 5 : Drawing angles.
Lesson 6 : Drawing angles with a protractor.
Lesson 7 : Classifying Triangles Using Geometric Tools.