Page 32 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 32

b) Pancreatic juice: is secreted from pancreas in duodenum, it contains:

            Sodium  • Neutralizes HCl & makes alkaline medium (PH=8)

Pancreatic amylase • Starch / glycogen + water Alkaline Maltose

Trypsinogen         • Trypsinogen Enterokinase                   Trypsin
                               By inner wall of small intestine
                    • Protein + water       Alkaline Polypeptides

                    • Emulsified fats + water   Alkaline

                    Fatty acids + glycerol

c) Intestinal juice: is secreted by cells in the wall of small intestine, it has

   enzymes; complete the action of the previous & end the digestion of all food:

Enterokinase        • Coenzyme to activate trypsinogen.

Non dig. enzyme

Disaccharidases     • Maltose   Alkaline 2 Glucose
    Maltase,        • Sucrose   Alkaline Glucose + Fructose
    Sucrase,        • Lactose  Alkaline Glucose + Galactose

 Peptidase          • Polypeptide chain Alkaline Amino acids

Several types


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