Page 16 - E-Science Prep1 2024-2025 t2 Unit1_Neat - Copy
P. 16


  1- Acids change the color of blue litmus paper into red.
                    Its dissolution leads to increase the % of H+ cations
                           that are responsible the acid properties.

  2- Alkalis change the color of red litmus paper into blue.
                   Its dissolution leads to increase the % of OH- anions
                          that are responsible the alkali properties.

• Rain resulting from the
  dissolution of acidic oxides
   in atmospheric water vapor.

• Burning of fossil fuels causes the
   evolution of acidic oxides as
  nitrogen dioxide NO2 & sulphur dioxide SO2.

• Formation of acid rain due to combination bet. oxides & water in air.
• Accumulation in the clouds leads to precipitation of (acid rain)

                  It negatively affects the environment as following:

      Destruction of forests Harming the aquatic organisms

       Corrosion of buildings Respiratory system problems

  Reducing acid rain: Conserving the fossil fuel by:

                  Walking / using bikes / Turning off the unused lights /
                                   Using renewable resources.


  Second Term
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