Page 7 - E-Science Prep3 2024-2025 t1 Unit2_Neat
P. 7

Science department       Second Substitution Reactions

Simple substitution reactions                     Double substitution reactions

Active metal + Water                              “Neutralization” Acid + Alkali

Metal hydroxide + Hydrogen                        Salts + Water

Sodium is preserved under kerosene

Active metal + acid                               Acid + salt

Salt of acid + Hydrogen

Zn + HCl              ZnCl2 + H2                  Carbon dioxide turbids the clear
2Al + HCl            2AlCl3 + 3H2                                limewater
Cu + HCl             No reaction

Zn & Al precedes H in C.A.S but aluminum
delay in the reaction as it has a layer of Al2O3
on its surface that takes a time to separate it.

Cu doesn’t replace H as
it comes after H in C.A.S

H2 burns the burning match with a pop sound.

Metal A + Metal B salt sol.                       2 salt solutions

Metal A salt sol. + Metal B                       Formation of (ppt.) salt X dissolve

                     Mg + CuSO4 Blue                     NaNO3 + AgCl
                           Red + Colorless NaCl + AgNO3     White (ppt.)


Second Term
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