Page 8 - E-Science Prep3 2024-2025 t1 Unit2_Neat
P. 8

Science department

Prep.3 Third Oxidation & Reduction Reactions

                                    1) Traditional concept

                                 Giving / Taking away H / O

      Black      Reducing agent             Red
Oxidizing agent

Hydrogen                                         Copper oxide

Oxidation process as it combines + O Reduction process as O leaves it

Reducing agent as it takes O away           Oxidizing agent as it gives O to H
from copper oxide

                 2) Electronic concept

                 Losing / Gaining electrons

                Oxidizing agent                            Chlorine
Reducing agent
                                            Oxidation process / oxidizing agent
                       Sodium               as it gains electron and be – ion

     Oxidation process / reducing agent          Cl2 + 2é            2Cl-
     as it loses electron and be + ion
               2Na 2Na+ + 2é

         Second Term
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