Page 17 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 17
INTER 2015 Editor’s Note


As I am typing these words, it isn’t quite the New Year, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t
started working on it yet. We are excited for this issue of Southern Oregon Magazine and
the following three that will make up 2015. As always we strive to bring you interesting
stories and great photography about every facet of life in Southern Oregon. From events
and anniversaries to gardening to health, we cover it all.
In this winter issue of Southern Oregon Magazine, on page 90, we bring you part two of “Latitude
42—The Dirt on Southern Oregon Winemaking.” Local writer Paula Bandy was assigned this story
for our fall 2014 issue and she over performed, bringing us more content that was possible to include
in one issue. The content was just too good to cut, hence part two in this current issue. Enjoy some
amazing photos by local contributor Ezra Marcos alongside Bandy’s words.
Another focus of this issue is health, with local writer Lynn Leissler working hard to bring you
informative profiles of health care providers and current happenings throughout the region. Starting
on page 64, Leissler interviews alternative health providers who offer procedures and products
designed for healthy living. On page 70 the focus turns to six medical providers and how they are
currently serving you and the community.
Outside of wine and health, there are pages and pages of other great stories in this issue. On page 44
get to know a few of the faces that market Southern Oregon and its many attractions to tourists and
locals alike. As local writer Valerie Coulman says, “Southern Oregon is known for its wide variety of
cultural and natural attractions, and one of the strengths of the community is the network of people
both personally and professionally committed to showcasing the best of the area.”
Flip through the whole magazine and celebrate 100 years with Crater Lake Lodge, get some garden-
ing and design tips from local businesses, learn who some of the newer brewers are…and the list
goes on and on.
Thanks for reading Southern Oregon Magazine!

winter 2015 • 15
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