Page 8 - HCC Vol 25 Issue 5 - 6th June 2024
P. 8

On Tuesday of Week 5 the Year 1 class ventured to
the YP Recycling Depot. The staff were amazing. They
showed us around, and explained their process of
sorting, counting, compiling and shipping their wares.
Did you know that they also recycle non-refundable
items too? So, if your yellow bin is always full, take milk
bottles, tins and glass jars to YP Recycling Depot and
they will deal with it for you!
Also on Tuesday of Week 5, the Year 6 students excitedly received their official jumpers for
2024, signifying their final year in the Primary College. They look fantastic!
Wishing you all an amazing year ahead.
The class had a turn on
the weighing machine
and collectively we were
440 kgs!! After our tour
we were invited back
into their staff room and
were given an ice block
and a juice box, which the
students could recycle
and receive a receipt and
10 cents for! We sure
had fun! Thank you to
Nathaniel, Andrea and Mr
Edwards for an insightful
Year 1
YP Recycling Depot Excursion
Year 6
Senior Primary Jumpers

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