Page 19 - Critical Control flipbook_Neat
P. 19

Contact Moving


           1    What is the name of the       2    What are its specific objectives related to the Priority Unwanted
                critical control for Contact
                                                   Event (PUE)?
                Moving Machinery?
          Energy Isolation                   All relevant energy sources are controlled through lock-out, tag-out and test-out

           3    What are the critical         4    What are the activities       5    What can be sampled from
                control performance
                                                   within the management
                                                                                      the set of activities for
                requirements to meet the           systems that support               verification, providing a
                objectives?                        having the critical control        clear image of the critical
                                                   able to do what is required?       control status?
          Relevant energy sources are identified,   Risk assessment completed and review/  Completed risk assessment
          documented and can be controlled   development of appropriate SOP for task  SOP available
                                             All energy sources must be controllable

          Relevant energy sources are isolated,   Application of lock-out, tag-out and test-  Physical locks, completed tags and
          locked, tagged and tested for “no energy”    out by those involved in the work  record of the process available
          to prevent unwanted release

          Stored energy is released or controlled  Release/control stored energy is included   Review risk assessment / SOP and
                                             in the SOP when needed and conducted   associated documentation for release/
                                             by those involved in the work      control of stored energy

           6    What is the target performance for critical     7    What is the critical control performance
                                                                     trigger for shutdown, critical control review or
          Work activities completed on machinery/equipment have the   Work activities completed on machinery/equipment with any
          relevant energy sources correctly isolated           energy isolation step missing or incorrect

          Creation date: 01/2021 • The latest and only controlled version of this document is available on the HSE intranet.
          © 2021 Holcim - For internal use only
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