Page 17 - Critical Control flipbook_Neat
P. 17

Contact Moving


           1    What is the name of the       2    What are its specific objectives related to the Priority Unwanted
                                                   Event (PUE)?
                critical control for Contact
                Moving Machinery?
          Physical Guarding                  Physical barrier prevents contact between hazardous elements of moving machinery
                                             and any part of a persons body

           3    What are the critical         4    What are the activities       5    What can be sampled from
                                                                                      the set of activities for
                control performance
                                                   within the management
                requirements to meet the           systems that support               verification, providing a
                objectives?                        having the critical control        clear image of the critical
                                                   able to do what is required?       control status?
          Position of guard provides adequate   Formal hazard assessment following   Review register of machinery/equipment
          clearance between hazard and potential   machinery/equipment register and   in comparison with the reality on site
          reach of a body part under, over or   action plan
          through barrier
                                             Specific focus on nip points of belt
                                             conveyors, screw conveyors, drag
                                             chains, and bucket elevators and cement

          Guard material and installation prevents   Selection of good quality and durable   Review register of machinery/equipment
          access; or the ejection of material or   materials to prevent access and/or the   in comparison with the reality on site.
          objects                            ejection of material or objects following   Review inspection records
                                             the Holcim Standard Design Criteria
                                             (StDC) for Mechanical Equipment
                                             Minimum monthly inspection of
                                             guarding in place

          Guard can only be removed with use of   Design of guards only allow removal of   Review register of machinery/equipment
          a tool (key or wrench designed to open   elements using a tool        in comparison with the reality on site
          and close a fastener)

           6    What is the target performance for critical     7    What is the critical control performance
                                                                     trigger for shutdown, critical control review or
          The hazardous pinch/entanglement/crush points and any   Accessible hazard (able to reach) or easily removable guard
          moving parts cannot be accessed by any part of the human body

          Creation date: 01/2021 • The latest and only controlled version of this document is available on the HSE intranet.
          © 2021 Holcim - For internal use only
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