Page 12 - Critical Control flipbook_Neat
P. 12
Integration into Systems
and Processes
Critical Controls are embedded in existing systems including CCM is about focusing on what matters the most. As we
Group Standards, HSE Audit protocol, Gap Assessments, learn and the program evolves, expect additional Priority
Inspections and Observation programs. These controls Unwanted Events and associated Critical Controls to be
are identified to either call particular attention to a released over time.
critical element or to ensure the appropriate emphasis is Additional resources and materials can be found on
attributed, such as with Audits and Assessments, where the dedicated Holcim CCM webpage found on the Group
Critical Controls are weighted more heavily.
HSE Intranet Connect site. There you can access detailed
This program guide has provided an overview of what Summary Sheets, Visuals, links to assessment tools,
Critical Control Management at Holcim is about and the program guidance and much more.
basic steps for implementing at your Unit.
Note: The photos used in this guide were taken
before the COVID-19 outbreak.
Creation Date: 01/2021
The latest and only controlled version of this
document is available on the HSE intranet.
© 2021 Holcim - Internal use only