Page 9 - Critical Control flipbook_Neat
P. 9

2              Field


          An essential element of Critical Control Management   Verification Reviews:
          is the verification of controls being both  in place   Verification Reviews involve the active monitoring
          and  effective. This provides insight and visibility   of  a  Critical  Control.  Active  monitoring  refers  to
          into the health of the controls. Certain activities are   checking the extent to which the performance
          already embedded into current operational and        requirements (outlined in Summary Sheets) are
          management systems such as logs, inspections and     being met in practice. The questions for Verification
          process checks.                                      Reviews are accessible using Questionnaires.
                                                               1)  Choose the risk to verify –  select the P.U.E. and
          Field verification is specific to the Critical Controls
          and is accomplished through a combination of           location
          shorter, higher frequency  Critical  VPCs  and  more   2) Go and See - visit the physical location to observe
          thorough, less frequent  Verification Reviews. The   3) Assess - review and discuss controls in place
          combination of these methods adds an important       4)  Respond - agree on action, gain commitment and
          layer of assurance to the checking of Critical Controls   document outcome
          in the operation.
          P.U.E. owners complete quarterly Verification Reviews                      Seek to understand
          and all of the management completes Critical VPCs                          control effectiveness
          throughout the year.
                                                                                     when deficient and
          Both forms of verification have the ultimate aim                           when going well
          to check that Critical Controls are working as they
          are intended. More important is to understand
          why situations exist when controls are not in place
          or  not  effective.  During  any  type  of  verification   Critical VPCs:
          activity, it is expected that conversations take place   Critical Control Verification is integrated into the
          with the affected person to dig into issues that may   Visible Personal Commitment (VPC) process. Critical
          prevent adequate control performance. Reasons for    VPCs are focused on inspectable elements and
          inadequate performance of a control may vary, but    can be behavioural or conditional in nature. They
          in all cases action is required to address deficiencies.  should be reviewed at the point of activity, either
                                                               task or equipment and verified in-field. A Critical
          In order to facilitate Verification Reviews and Critical   VPC involves observation and discussion about the
          VPC´s, high risk jobs should be visually displayed   control with relevant workers.
          during morning meetings and easily identifiable in
          the field with specific field signage.               Critical VPCs are a form of documented ‘spot-
                                                               check’ on Critical Control performance criteria that
                                                               is observable in real-time. They are completed by
                                                               anyone who does VPCs within a Unit. At least 25% of
                                                               VPCs should be on Critical Controls.

            Type of Check         Focus                  Frequency               Responsible         Tool
             Verification       Full P.U.E.      Quarterly for
               Review       (All Critical Controls)  each P.U.E.  Min. 1/month   P.U.E. Owner    Questionnaire

                                1 or more                                       Any mngt who    iCare VPC Module
             Critical VPC                       25% of VPCs*   Min. 8/month**
                              Critical Control                                    does VPC        (role driven)
          * 1 VPC / 1,000 hrs worked
          ** Unit Leadership Team requirement

                                                                Holcim Group HSE • Critical Control Management - Program Guide  9
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