Page 7 - Critical Control flipbook_Neat
P. 7

C              Critical Control

                           Performance Requirements

          Critical Control performance requirements include    Critical Control can be verified in practice to allow
          defining the objective of the control, how it is     monitoring of the health of the control. There are
          supposed to perform and how performance is           activities already embedded in the management
          verified in practice.                                systems that support having the controls do what
                                                               they are supposed to do and these also become part
          This is the minimum performance required from
          the Critical Control to ensure its effectiveness     of the basis for verification.
          in preventing an unwanted event occurring or         Summary Sheets are meant as a resource to support
          mitigating the ultimate consequences.                a better understanding of each Critical Control. They
          This information is captured in a performance        are available to everyone and should be used for
          ‘Summary Sheet’ that includes detail of how a        training and reference during implementation of the
                                                               Critical Control Management program.

                                                              Mobile Equipment

            There is a
            Summary Sheet                       1  What is the name of the   2  What are its specific objectives related to the Priority Unwanted
            available for                         critical control for Mobile   Event (PUE)?
                                                  Equipment Incident?
            each Critical                      Warning Systems    All vehicles onsite are clearly and easily noticeable to each other
            Control                             3  What are the critical   4  What are the activities   5  What can be sampled from
                                                                     within the management
                                                  control performance
                                                                                        the set of activities for
                                                  requirements to meet the   systems that support   verification, providing a
                                                  objectives?        having the critical control   clear image of the critical
                                                                     able to do what is required?  control status?
                                               Visible and audible automatic reversing   Register of mobile equipment that   Review register of mobile equipment and
                                               warning device installed on all mobile   operate on site (showing presence of   check the functionality of the reversing
                                               equipment          reversing warning devices on list)  warning devices on site
                                               Mobile equipment use flashing beacon   Register of mobile equipment that   Review register of mobile equipment
                                               and headlights at all times  operate on site. Assessment ensure all   and check the vehicles being equipped
                                                                  heavy mobile equipment (HME) have   with the visible aids and them being
                                                                  beacons and light vehicles used in areas   functional
                                                                  with HME are equipped with beacons
                                               Light vehicles are fitted with flags (buggy   Register of mobile equipment that   Review register of mobile equipment
                                               whips) high enough to be seen by HME   operate on site.  Assessment ensure all   and check the vehicles being equipped
                                               and 50mm wide strip of retro-reflective   light vehicles used in areas with HME have   with the visible aids and them being
                                               material on all sides  flags and refective material  functional
                                                6  What is the target performance for critical   7  What is the critical control performance
                                                                               trigger for shutdown, critical control review or
                                               Mobile Equipment is recognized by other traffic in proximity to   Mobile equipment without visibility aids
                                               the mobile equipment        Mobile equipment without a working reversing warning device

                                               Creation date: 01/2021 • The latest and only controlled version of this document is available on the HSE intranet.
                                               © 2021 Holcim - For internal use only

                                                                Holcim Group HSE • Critical Control Management - Program Guide  7
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