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his program guide explains the basics of the Critical Control Management approach for
Included is an overview of the Critical Control Management program, explanation of the steps
involved in development and most importantly, guidance to support implementation within
operating Units.
Holcim has made great strides in the reduction of injuries throughout global operations.
While the improvement has been significant, serious and fatal events still have occurred.
These unwanted events relate to a limited number of hazard areas that repeat across different
geographies and business segments.
These events are UNACCEPTABLE and it is imperative to expand the efforts to
avoid harm to our people!
While injury rates may have improved overall, after-event analysis reveals that the known
controls for known risks were often not effectively implemented in practice. This is the reason
for the focus on Critical Control Management.
Many of the processes and requirements in place to prevent the fatalities are included as part
of complex management systems, detailed risk assessments and lengthy procedures. Although
these may exist, how can a reliable, safe outcome be expected if there is a lack of clarity, focus
and rigor about what is really important? n
What is Critical Control
Critical Control Management is a practical • Ensuring supervisors and managers are
method of improving managerial control monitoring the critical controls to check
over our most serious risks by focusing on the controls are providing in practice what
the controls. they are assumed to provide in theory
The program evolved from various methods Keys to success are:
in managing major hazards, both internally • Having clarity on those controls that really
and externally to Holcim. It is based on proven matter: critical controls
experience in the application of the approach • Defining performance required of the
in similar industries for many years. critical controls - what the control has to do
What is different is that Critical Control to prevent the event from occurring
Management focuses on achieving more • Deciding what needs to be checked or
practical and visible actions for critical verified to ensure the control works as
controls. This increases our ability to sustain intended
a focused effort over time while not losing
the many gains made in the prevention of In this program, it is expected that not every
less severe incidents and events. control works perfectly all the time. People
are not infallible, so we must have resilience
Critical Control Management approach in control systems (multiple barriers) and
focuses on: actively seek to understand how controls
• Identifying which controls are needed are performing in real life through open
(many are already in place) dialogue with those doing the work, and
• Identifying the critical controls (ones aim to improve continuously.
essential to safe work)
Holcim Group HSE • Critical Control Management - Program Guide 3