Page 21 - Critical Control flipbook_Neat
P. 21
Contact Moving
1 What is the name of the 2 What are its specific objectives related to the Priority Unwanted
critical control for Contact
Event (PUE)?
Moving Machinery?
Emergency Stop Stopping of machinery movement by a single manual action for emergency
3 What are the critical 4 What are the activities 5 What can be sampled from
control performance
within the management
the set of activities for
requirements to meet the systems that support verification, providing a
objectives? having the critical control clear image of the critical
able to do what is required? control status?
Easily identifiable actuator in red colour Specification for emergency stop Inspection of devices installed show
and if background exists it is yellow includes colour requirement correct colours
Readily accessible located at each Devices installed are visually inspected/ Review of inspection records
operator station and other locations tested monthly
where initiation of emergency stop may
be required
Disengaging an activated emergency Devices installed are visually inspected/ Devices installed are visually inspected/
stop requires intentional action. tested monthly tested monthly
Disengaging does not restart machinery
automatically (2-step reset)
Emergency stop is hardwired (not Devices installed are tested prior to use Review of test verification records
through programming logic) or approved
safety relay in place
6 What is the target performance for critical 7 What is the critical control performance
trigger for shutdown, critical control review or
Emergency stop devices are identifiable, accessible and require An emergency stop is not in place or not functioning correctly
a 2-step reset when actuated
Activation by single human action stops hazardous movement
and operation
Creation date: 01/2021 • The latest and only controlled version of this document is available on the HSE intranet.
© 2021 Holcim - For internal use only