Page 25 - Critical Control flipbook_Neat
P. 25

Coal Mill Explosion

           1    What is the name of the       2    What are its specific objectives related to the Priority Unwanted
                critical control for Coal Mill
                                                   Event (PUE)?
          Hazardous Area Management          Having the area appropriately classified into corresponding ‘Hazardous Areas’ as per ISO/
                                             IEC 60079-10-2, and hence minimising the ignition sources by having the appropriate
                                             equipment and access control to prevent an explosion

           3    What are the critical         4    What are the activities       5    What can be sampled from
                control performance
                                                                                      the set of activities for
                                                   within the management
                requirements to meet the           systems that support               verification, providing a
                objectives?                        having the critical control        clear image of the critical
                                                   able to do what is required?       control status?

          Hazardous Area Classification (HAC)   All hazardous area drawings are available   Review the HAC and ensure that it is
          drawings with appropriate equipment   in the system with version control and   current and signed off by a competent
          selection (e.g ATEX certified, IECEx   current                        authority
          certified or NEC/CEC)

          Regular inspection and maintenance of   Scheduled inspection and  maintenance   Percentage of inspection or Preventive
          all equipment within the hazardous area   in Computerised Maintenance   Maintenance (PM) completion rate
          that could potentially lead to explosion   Management System (CMMS) as per   Number of defects found during
          (Detailed, Close, and Visual Inspection)  manufacturer’s requirements/ Corporate   inspection and PMs. (This should be
                                             CEM guidance                       documented in CMMS)
                                             Classified as highest priority and critical
                                             equipment in CMMS

          No Hot work allowed within Hazardous   Only trained and competent HWP issuers   Number of competent HWP issuers for
          area unless the area has been      on hazardous areas are allowed to issue   hazardous area
          declassified, and Hot Work Permit (HWP)   HWP                         Review the declassification process
          issued                             A specific procedure to declassify   during an actual HWP process to
                                             hazardous area for hot work activities  measure its effectiveness
                                                                                Number of fire incidents reported in
                                                                                hazardous areas

          Coloured or tagged as “Hazardous Area”   System to identify, colour or tag as   Number of non compliances
          in the field. (Ex)                 “Hazardous Area”. (This should be visual as
                                             well as identifiable in CMMS)

          Access restricted, with appropriate   Access control to hazardous areas, only   Number of areas without access control
          signage                            competent and authorised personnel can   and signage
                                             enter a hazardous area with appropriate
                                             PPE and tools (anti-static, spark proof)

           6    What is the target performance for critical     7    What is the critical control performance
                                                                     trigger for shutdown, critical control review or
          All the inspection, maintenance and testings are carried out as   15% Failed Certified Equipment during Inspection
          per ISO/IEC 60079 Standard                           Unauthorised deferment of maintenance without Plant
          No Hot Work unless area has been declassified        Manager’s written authorisation

          Creation date: 01/2021 • The latest and only controlled version of this document is available on the HSE intranet.
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