Page 3 - 2022 Shareholders Report
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Creating Things That Matter

            Q&A with James L. O’Leary, Chairman, CEO & President

            When you reflect on 2022, what is your most significant takeaway?       toward a culture of innovation. We continue to focus on building a more
            Perhaps complete this sentence, ‘2022 was the year of…?’                diverse workforce, which really broadens how we think as an organization.
            I look at 2022 as a year of building for our future. We continued with very   And we are achieving meaningful and profitable growth. But the largest
            successful and sustainable growth. We had record sales, revenue, earnings   and most aspirational goal is that, by doing these things we are providing
            and backlog. We were steadfast in our safety culture and, once again,   everybody the best job of their life. I think it needs to be a focus in 2023 to
            had great safety results. We improved operations and risk management,   create better definition and really assess if all the things we are doing are
            and we continued our commitment to team member development.             really enabling people to say this is the best place that they’ve ever worked.
            Then, we made the decision and took steps to transition from delivery   What do you consider the most important milestones to achieve in 2023?
            group operations, which were very effective for us for many years, to an
            enterprise-wide model that will better support our continued success and   As always, our most important milestones relate to driving and improving
            growth. So, 2022 was really about positioning Haskell to realize Haskell   our culture of safety and making sure that the safety and health of our
            2025 and for the future well beyond that. I view the business today as   people are our highest priority. The integration and smooth transition
            having reached a place where, I believe, it is just getting ready to take off.  of our new enterprise delivery model is a key milestone going forward.
                                                                                    Also, a focus in 2023 is driving our Best Places to Work initiatives with
            Your Executive Leadership Team (ELT) made a bold strategic              an intentional focus on our core values of Team, Excellence, Service and
            decision to evolve to an enterprise delivery model. What is your        Trust. Finally, we have to operate with excellence. This is a business
            expectation for this transition?                                        about providing outstanding customer experiences, developing strong
            I think it’s essential that we look at the organizational realignment as a   relationships, operating with excellence and managing risk properly.
            journey. This isn’t an exact science. But this organizational realignment was   As we improve operational excellence, our margins will increase.
            exactly the right thing to do at exactly the right time because it allows us to   To sum it up, what would you most like to say to the company’s
            better manage our continued and sustained growth. It allows us to operate   employee shareholders?
            more consistently, efficiently and effectively. It leverages our leadership more   I’m amazed and deeply appreciative of the energy and excitement for our
            broadly across the organization, provides stronger career paths for our team   business. The level of commitment is phenomenal. You see it with our
            members, and assures our clients better consistency in our project delivery.
                                                                                    customers, you see it with our communities, and you see it with each other.
            How is Haskell doing relative to Haskell 2025? Is it particularly strong in   It’s gratifying to see the melding of our strong culture and our long-term
            any areas, and are there pillars on which more attention will be focused?   strategy. I've always said that you can only have a great strategy that's
            I'm very pleased. We are making great progress with Haskell 2025 and with   going to be effective if you have strong culture to support it. And you can
            each of our six strategic pillars. We've made great strides in improving our   only have strong culture if you have a clear and concise strategy. When
            operations and approach to risk management. We have strengthened and    you have both and they start to come together, that's when the magic
            grown our design and consulting capabilities. We're rapidly progressing   happens. I think we're getting there, and I’m really pleased to see that.

                                                                                                                    2022 Annual Report to Shareholders  ◆  Haskell   1
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