Page 7 - 2022 Shareholders Report
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          BEVERAGE                                         BEER, WINE & SPIRITS
          In 2022, the Beverage Division finished a great year   The Beer, Wine & Spirits (BWS) Division had a
          with revenue over $162.9 million and contribution   successful 2022, despite notable transitions and
          of $17.2 million. The Niagara Waters projects in   challenges. The division recognized revenues of
          California provided a significant portion of the   $277.8 million and contribution of $16.2 million
          results, with revenue over $121 million and job   on budgets of $229.2 million and $13.4 million,                                   DIAGEO | PROJECT HELIX
                                                                                                                                                PLAINFIELD, ILLINOIS
          profits of $4.7 million. The division’s focus on   respectively. BWS successfully managed the
          the Coca-Cola bottling network provided $10      outcomes of two challenging projects, AB InBev
          million in design revenue in 2022, with projected   Baldwinsville and Gallo Furnace, to an acceptable
          values in coming years of more than $500 million.   conclusion that preserved the client relationships   “ To deliver this project in 11
          Division sales were strong at $361.8 million, as   and the financial success of the division. The two   months, when many in and
          is 2023 backlog of $125.8 million, which does not   most notable successes for the year were Project
          include three large projects currently in design.   Helix (Diageo) and Project ECO (E&J Gallo), each   outside of Diageo told me it
          In 2023, the Beverage Market will include a Dairy   of which was awarded on an Engineer, Procure,     would take at least 18 months,
          Division to allow more bandwidth to grow this    Construct (EPC) basis and began execution in 2021,
          critical part of the business. Despite economic   with Project Helix reaching 100% completion and     and more likely 24 months,
          headwinds, the beverage market remains very      Project ECO standing at 76% complete at the year’s   while navigating through
          strong, with unprecedented capital investments.   end. Both projects have opened doors to additional
          These trends will play to our strengths with larger,   work from Diageo and Gallo. With the momentum   the COVID-19 challenges
          well-funded companies experiencing stronger-     of those two significant clients, plus new project   is truly remarkable.”
          than-expected sales and, therefore, investing    awards in 2022 for Angels Envy (Bacardi) and
          in larger-capacity and greenfield projects.      Hiram Walker & Sons (Pernod-Ricard), BWS is          PIETRO DIPILATO, DIAGEO, SVP TECHNICAL,
                                                           well-positioned for success for the years ahead.     GOVERNANCE, INNOVATION AND BRAND CHANGE

                                                                                                                    2022 Annual Report to Shareholders  ◆  Haskell   5
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