Page 9 - 2022 Shareholders Report
P. 9
& Transportation
$721.7 million 2022 was an exciting year for the Infrastructure
2022 SALES & Transportation (I&T) Group. Although project
teams were confronted by supply chain and
Against a budget delivery issues, accelerating inflation and labor
of $603.5 million
shortages, they were able to overcome these
$670.6 million challenges and consistently deliver strong
2022 REVENUE revenue. I&T earned $670.6 million in revenue
compared to our goal of $401.3 million. This
Against a budget produced a contribution of $22.03 million which
of $401.3 million
fell just short of our $22.7 million contribution
$22.03 million goal. Not only did the team exceed its goal for
2022 CONTRIBUTION revenue, I&T achieved a record sales year of $721.7
million, exceeding the goal of $603.5 million.
Against a budget
of $22.7 million As Haskel transitions to an enterprise delivery
model in 2023, this establishes four operating
2,048,672 teams – Planning & Development, Design &
2022 WORK-IN-PLACE Consulting, Construction & Manufacturing
(WIP) MANHOURS and International – all focused on serving
our Markets & Divisions. Given the strength
2.73 of our combined pipeline, which includes $1.5
2022 WIP RECORDABLE billion in sales from selected projects, we are
INCIDENT RATE confident strong growth in sales, revenue
and earnings will be achieved in 2023.
JAA BOEING MRO HANGAR 2022 Annual Report to Shareholders ◆ Haskell 7