Page 5 - 2022 Shareholders Report
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                                                                                                           THE CONSUMER PACKAGED
                                                                                $1.17 billion              GOODS (CPG) TEAM

                                                                                2022 SALES                 CPG faced a continued flow of large opportunities
                                                                                                           and a handful of challenged projects in 2022 but
                                                                                Against a budget           overcame all obstacles to deliver record-setting
                                                                                of $1.1 billion
                                                                                                           sales, revenue, backlog, and contribution.
                                                                                $1.05 billion              OVERVIEW

                                                                                2022 REVENUE               The group closed the year with record revenue
                                                                                Against a budget of        of $1.05 billion against a $985.9 million budget;
                                                                                $985.9 million             record sales of $1.17 billion against a $1.1 billion
                                                                                                           budget; record contribution of $73.4 million
                                                                                $73.4 million              against a budget of $70 million; record backlog
                                                                                2022 CONTRIBUTION          of $688 million for 2023; record Architecture/
                                                                                Against a budget           Engineering (AE) contribution of $11.0 million
                                                                                of $70.0 million           against a budget of $7.5 million; Process &
                                                                                                           Packaging engineering and project execution
                                                                                1,881,315                  delivered over $15.7 million in total contribution
                                                                                WORK-IN-PLACE              against a budget of $8 million; and the CPG
                                                                                (WIP) MANHOURS             team grew to a record 543 members. CPG’s
                                                                                                           commitment to expanding our client base and
                                                                                1.17                       outreach, along with excellence in execution,

                                                                                2022 WIP RECORDABLE        delivered a great 2022 and will provide a platform
                                                                                INCIDENT RATE              for enduring success for the legacy CPG markets
                                                                                                           as we transition to the enterprise delivery model.

                                                                                THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST
                                                                               OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS TEMPLE
                                                                                       HELENA, MONTANA
                                                                                                                    2022 Annual Report to Shareholders  ◆  Haskell   3
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