Page 3 - 2022 Community Impact Report
P. 3
Giving Back Matters
Q&A with James L. O’Leary, Chairman, CEO & President
Haskell regularly provides more than $2 million and thousands of hours to Haskell gives each team member four paid hours per month
philanthropic causes each year, but 2022 was a year when we made large, to do volunteer work. Discuss why this is important.
directed commitments to two areas of focus, the relief of human suffering
(Red Cross after Hurricane Ian) and diversity and inclusion (Together That’s really about walking the walk when you talk the talk. It’s about
Strong Community Fund to combat bias). Could you comment on the creating the opportunity for our team members to give back to our
importance of Haskell providing leadership and funding in those areas? communities and make an impact. Our team members want to do that. If
we are going to say, ‘This is who we are, and this is our culture,’ we need to
In times of need, it’s important for Haskell to be a community leader. provide a vehicle to make that happen, or they’re just empty words. This is
That’s who we are, and it speaks directly to our culture and to our about providing our team time to dedicate to improving our communities.
values. Ian was a devastating hurricane that caused great destruction
and severely impacted many lives. Haskell is about finding ways to On the whole, how do you view our team members’ generosity
support the relief of human suffering, and that’s what we did. We with their time and talent?
also supported the Together Strong Community Fund, which is using The dedication of time and talent I see from our team members is just
education and conversation to combat bias. That again speaks directly off the charts. It’s phenomenal. But then again, I’m confident that it’s
to Haskell’s mission of creating a working environment and community in our DNA. It’s part of what Haskell is. It’s part of the culture that’s
with greater inclusivity. Also, I’ve made a commitment personally to the been ingrained at Haskell for many years. Our impact needs to be
CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion, and we are committed to having a bigger than simply the work we do every day. Because our reach is
diverse and inclusive organization, which makes us a better company. so broad, our impact can and should be, too. It’s a global impact.
Again, this year, Haskell undertook a record-setting United Way Finally, could you discuss the impact that Haskell has on the
drive. Could you reflect on that generosity and what it means? communities it serves?
Our 2022 United Way campaign was a huge success. “Creating a Better We could be in 100 communities across the globe at any particular
Future” was our theme, and our team members did just that for people time. We could go in, build a project and do it well and leave. But how
across the community. The United Way really provides a collective much more rewarding is it to know that we made a greater impact and
opportunity for us as Haskell to make meaningful change in our did things that were able to better that community? That’s the impact
communities. We have a rich and longstanding tradition of supporting the this organization has, and it’s a privilege to have that opportunity.
United Way, and there’s not much we can do that’s more rewarding or
meaningful than supporting the profound impact the United Way has on
so many people and organizations.
2022 Community Impact Report | Haskell 1