Page 4 - 2022 Community Impact Report
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2022 United Way Campaign Results

                                                                                                                      “ Thank you for all you
                                                                                                                       did to create a successful
                                                               $300,500 $68,000                618                     campaign at Haskell. I
              Throughout October, Haskell team members
              across the U.S. and Mexico City raised more than   total          pledged in the   employees             loved watching the video
                                                                                first week of
              $300,500 in the 2022 United Way campaign!                         the campaign    enterprise-            and seeing the fun the
                                                                                                                       Haskell team had during
                                                                                                                       the campaign. Thank
              The campaign was led by Co-Chairs Kristilee Adler,                                                       you for your significant
              Director – Corporate Marketing, and Molly Keifer,                                                        contribution to achieving
              Director – Assistant Controller, who worked
              tirelessly to execute a meaningful campaign with                                                         our vision of a community
              successful results.                                                                                      of opportunity where
              This year’s campaign teams had the privilege of                                                          everyone has hope and can
              returning to in-person events, and several offices                                                       achieve their full potential.”
              got creative with their fundraising activities and
                                                                                                                       MELANIE PATZ, PRESIDENT AND
              community service projects. The Livermore office                                                         CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF UNITED WAY
                                                                                                                       OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA
              assembled 200 personal care kits for Open Heart
              Kitchen. Dallas team members packed nearly 200
              socks for seniors with handwritten notes for    Kristilee Adler           Molly Keifer
              Jubilee Park & Community Center. Other exciting
              activities included a chili cookoff in the St. Louis
              office, a tailgate kickoff event in Jacksonville, and
              cornhole tournaments in Atlanta, Livermore, Salt
              Lake City, and St. Paul. Thank you to everyone who
              gave back to our communities. Together, we are
              ‘Creating a Better Future.’ #HaskellUnited

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