Page 6 - 2022 Community Impact Report
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              Education                                                                                              P RO G R A M

              HASKELL’S ANNUAL

              The children of 15 Haskell team members         “ At Haskell, our culture
              received this year’s Haskell Scholarship Awards.   not only extends to
              The four-year academic scholarships totaling
              $6,000 are awarded to children of eligible       our team members but
              team members for undergraduate studies at        also to their families.
              accredited colleges, universities and post-      The strengths,
              secondary vocational and trade schools.
                                                               accomplishment, and
              The Scholarship Committee reviews candidate      community impact
              application packages and bases the awards
              on grade-point average, class rank, strength     from volunteerism
              of academic program, school activities, sports   of the applicants
              involvement, outside work, educational goals and   were extremely
              career aspirations. In addition, each candidate   impressive. We are
              submits three letters of recommendation.
                                                               proud to recognize
              Since the scholarship program was created
              in 2003, Haskell has awarded more than           these students
              $322,000 in scholarships to more than 145        and wish them
              of its team members’ college-aged children.      the best with their
              The program was expanded in 2017 to include                                      Pictured are the 2022 Haskell Scholarship Award winners. Top row, from left:
              rising college or trade school sophomores        academic success.”              Brenna Rampulla, Carson Haines, Christina Boyum, Emma Goode and Gabriella
              to reward those who excelled in their first      DAVID THAELER, EVP & CHIEF      Barraza. Middle row, from left: Gabrielle Heuler, Jeet Shah, London Horne,
              year of post-high school instruction.            HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER         Marcus Click and Mason Miller. Bottom row, from left: Quentin Koeninger,
                                                                                               Sydney Friley, TayLeigh Lauramore, Thomas Odom and Tia Schoening.

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