Page 6 - Shareholders Report 2023
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                                                                                        A BRIGHT FUTURE
              Planning & Development                                                    Looking ahead in 2024, the team is supporting the
                                                                                        markets and divisions to achieve their financial goals
                                                                                        of $2.25 billion in sales, $2.1 billion in revenue and $87.5
              The new P&D team is responsible for leading and acquiring work for 16     million in operating income. Specifically, P&D will be
              Haskell markets and divisions. P&D’s unified capture strategy is to win   focused on the following objectives in 2024.
              through the three Ps of work acquisition – Position, Propose and Present
              – by deploying best practices, producing high win rates and supporting       ◆ Pipeline Development. Pipeline development is a priority
              targeted outcomes. While team integration and adoption of best              for 2024. Investing in the business development team and
              practices continue, the transition to the enterprise structure has been     work acquisition best practices will significantly grow the
              successful and beneficial to the organization. In 2023, the team focused    pipeline, facilitating record sales in 2024 and beyond.
              on delivering operational excellence to clients while generating sales and     ◆ Winning in New Markets. The team is pursuing business in the
              revenue for the business at the optimal margins available in each market.   Data Center, Battery, Life Sciences and Sustainability markets.
              In addition, the team accomplished the following objectives in 2023.
                                                                                           ◆ Economic Development Strategy. In 2024, Haskell
                 ◆ P&D Leadership Team Formation. The team includes leaders
                for Marketing, Business Development, Market Specialization,               is deploying a more focused economic development
                Preconstruction, Project Development and strategic market                 strategy to identify opportunities earlier and drive sales.
                vice presidents to help the market teams succeed.                         This strategy includes forming relationships with site
                                                                                          selection and economic development consultants serving
                 ◆ P&D Team Integration. Specific team members were identified            key industries and states. New team members will be
                for each market and division to create alignment and ensure               hired to lead this effort and train business developers.
                a clear understanding of who supports each market and                      ◆ Improved Earnings. Earnings will improve
                who is the primary point of contact for new business.
                                                                                          through high-quality sales, comprehensive risk
                 ◆ Strong Sales. With $2.06 billion in sales, 2023 was another            mitigation and strategies to improve margin, job
                record year for Haskell.                                                  profits and greater team member efficiency.

                 ◆ Market Leadership. The Water, Industrial Water and                      ◆ Greater Opportunity for Team Members. With the
                Religious & Cultural markets had record years and are                     elimination of natural barriers that existed in the former group
                establishing Haskell as a leader in these markets.                        structure, team members are provided new opportunities
                                                                                          to engage across all markets and project delivery teams.

              4   Haskell  ◆  2023 Annual Report to Shareholders
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