Page 10 - Shareholders Report 2023
P. 10


                                                               HIRING, TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT                CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT
                                                               With a team focused on hiring, training and   Early in the year, using a series of analytical
              Construction &                                   development under new leadership, C&M         tools to examine team member engagement,
              Manufacturing                                    experienced heightened participation in its   Haskell identified operational challenges
                                                               monthly training sessions that enhanced rapid
                                                                                                             inhibiting its profitability and growth, project
                                                               knowledge transfer to team members earlier    contract compliance and overall financial
              The C&M team integrated all project              in their careers. These sessions have been a   outcomes. From this session, the C&M team
              management, field management, project            resounding success and will continue in the   concentrated on six functional elements
              scheduling, project financial controls, Self-    upcoming year, along with the rollout of a    to enhance over the course of the year:
              performance and manufacturing teams              time- and skills-based rotational cross-training     ◆ Project financial reporting
              under an aligned leadership team. The new        program. This new program is designed to
              structure enhanced project performance           ensure all early-career project management       ◆ Meeting cadence and communication
              by market and provided industry-specific         team members get appropriate exposure to        structures to guarantee all team
              guidance for project management teams            the majority of skills and responsibilities, under   members receive the appropriate
              that migrated markets. The team managed          the guidance of subject matter experts, to      detailed information at the right time
              its leadership resources to account for          accelerate their growth into high-functioning   to ensure operational consistency
              growth in high-margin, high-opportunity          project management team members.                 ◆ Scheduling and project planning
              markets and softening in others. The             PROJECT CONTROLS
              transition incorporated project managers         Project Controls focused the year on organizing     ◆ Enhancement of superintendent performance
              from legacy groups into the Water and            and aligning team members that had been          ◆ Overall resource training management
              Industrial Water Markets to manage key           widely dispersed and not fully unified over
              strategic opportunities with positive            several years. This organization and alignment of     ◆ Prime contract summary development
              outcomes. The C&M team will continue to          job titles, functions and responsibilities will allow   for ease of reference for project teams
              look for opportunities for cross-training        rapid deployment of project controls in 2024    and total economic value calculation to
              and cross-deployment of teams across             and will help ensure positive financial outcomes.   drive best- and worst-case scenarios
              all markets to ensure proper coverage as         Project Scheduling added experienced resources   This continuous improvement exercise
              part of the company’s growth initiative.
                                                               during the year and deployed on a greater     will create a more efficient operation
                                                               number of projects. The team began the process   with better insight into project
                                                               of producing a unified detailed report to better   outcomes and less fee leakage.
                                                               understand schedule progress on each project
                                                               against critical milestones and completion
                                                               dates. This work will continue in the new year.

              8   Haskell  ◆  2023 Annual Report to Shareholders
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