Page 12 - Shareholders Report 2023
P. 12


                                                               GLOBAL PRESENCE                                 ORGANIZATIONAL PROGRESS
                                                               During 2023, Haskell expanded its operations,   The International business unit made
                                                               maintaining wholly-owned subsidiaries and       significant strides in 2023, focusing
                                                               active projects in 12 countries. The company’s   on integration, consistency and
              International                                    footprint now spans Mexico, Colombia,           outcomes. Successful efforts include:
                                                               Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Canada,
              For the International team, 2023 was             Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Malaysia,         ◆ Integration of Safety and Quality
              marked by significant global expansions,         the Philippines and China. Entering 2024, it is   leadership into the corporate structure
              financial challenges, operational                set to further support the expansion of the        ◆ Acquisition and execution of design
              advancements and strategic investments.          Religious & Cultural Market with projects in      and consulting projects for internal and
                                                               Cote d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Congo-Brazzaville,     external clients worth over $11 million
                                                               Africa, and Vanuatu and Kiribati, Oceania.
                              THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF                                                       ◆ Enhanced support of the Religious &
                                 LATTER-DAY SAINTS TEMPLE
                                         PUEBLA, MEXICO        FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                             Cultural Market, especially in the Philippines
                                                               International’s 2023 financial performance         ◆ Improved communication between
                                                               reflected both challenges and opportunities.      design centers for increased ownership,
                                                               Despite facing project losses in Ballester Hermanos   accountability and efficiency
                                                               and DHL, the team achieved record sales of $300
                                                               million and record project revenues exceeding      ◆ Development of field and project
                                                               $210 million. Total contribution reached $6.9     management team members
                                                               million against a budget of $8.6 million.
                                                                                                                  ◆ Design of an Accounting, Administration,
                                                                                                                 and Human Resources structure to address
                                                                                                                 compliance, regulatory and currency risks
                                                                                                               The greatest opportunity in 2024 is to
                                                                                                               continue creating better alignment to
                                                                                                               support the strategy and needs of different
                                                                                                               market leaders. While initial efforts
                                                                                                               aimed for a leader to be a single point of
                                                                                                               contact, the team acknowledges time
                                                                                         THE CHURCH OF JESUS   constraints and overlaps, necessitating
                                                                                           CHRIST OF LATTER-
                                                                                          DAY SAINTS TEMPLE    continued focus to ensure effective
                                                                                        MANAGUA, NICARAGUA
                                                                                                               alignment across diverse market needs.

              10   Haskell  ◆  2023 Annual Report to Shareholders
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