Page 16 - Shareholders Report 2023
P. 16

                                                     WINDSOR, ONTARIO

               MARKETS & DIVISIONS

                                                                                                          “ Executing a project the size of
                                                                                                           Northpoint requires an incredible level of

                                                                                                           planning, collaboration, communication,
                                                                                                           and a full understanding of the

                                                                                                           customer’s needs. There was a heavy
                         PROJECT ECO | E & J GALLO WINERY                                                  reliance on Haskell to guide CCSWB
                            FORT LAWN, SOUTH CAROLINA
                                                                                                           throughout the process, explaining
              “ Personally, I appreciated         BEER, WINE & SPIRITS | MARKET                            every step of the journey what it would

               the transparency within            The Beer, Wine & Spirits Market had a very               take to stay on schedule and budget and,
               the relationship. We               successful 2023. The market recognized revenue           most importantly, keep safety as the
                                                  of $106.2 million and a contribution of $19.1
               stressed that early on and         million on budgets of $172.9 million and $15.1           No. 1 priority: a true partnership with

               I really appreciate the            million, respectively. The successful completion         an outcome that everyone will remain
                                                  of Project ECO for E & J Gallo in Fort Lawn,
               fact that they responded           South Carolina, provided a significant boost             proud of for many decades to come.”

               to that. Shawn, Bradley            to the market contribution, and the beverage             DARREN WARD, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING,
                                                  manufacturing facility will continue to create
               and Brandon set the                opportunities for additional work over the next          COCA-COLA SOUTHWEST BEVERAGES (CCSWB)
               stage and the balance of           decade. The team continued its focus on building
                                                  long-term, profitable relationships with leading
               the team observed that             clients while supplementing those accounts
               and brought it along. I            with some smaller optimization projects.
               think Haskell and E & J            The market is growing, with significant investments

               Gallo worked extremely             being made in premium spirits, tequila, mezcal,
                                                  ready-to-drink cocktails and sustainable
               well together given                initiatives. Haskell’s team is excited about the
               that transparency.”                opportunities to expand in 2024 and beyond.

                                                  selection of clients
               ANDY FUSIA, DIRECTOR OF

              14   Haskell  ◆  2023 Annual Report to Shareholders
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