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one of the primary reasons is the benefit of living life in ”
I see the future of work in Hybrid mode. It is not something
your personal life and professional life, the more
new, only freelancers, writers and artists used to work in
manageable it becomes. When you are in an office
that mode. There are several factors emphasizing the
atmosphere, you grow in a unique way, especially
need for Hybrid work mode in the IT industry and I believe
when you are a fresher and see your seniors, you
the best feasible way while spending less money. There was a work life balance, the more gap between
observe them and learn how to they react and
In metropolitan cities, to live a decent life, we need to respond, professional ethics, behavior, you imbibe
spend a lot of hard-earned money, whereas in smaller these things in you automatically as KT or training
cities (tier2/3), we can meet our needs as well as desires cannot be provided on such things.
at a lower cost. The only requirement is decent internet
connectivity. Most importantly, your health is being compromised
as well since you are stuck on your chair all day
In hybrid mode, employees should be called to the office without any physical activities. At least when you are
on a quarterly basis for a few days. It is also possible for IT in the office there is a movement involved while going
professionals like us because our projects primarily deal or coming, walking to the cafeteria for lunch or
with software development for offshore clients. I also snacks or even washroom. All these things make you
realized that my productivity is at an optimum level when more active and less lethargic. If you are someone
I work remotely. who exercises and is very highly motivated individual
then that is good for you, but in my experience, I spoke
Hybrid mode works best with the right work to a few colleagues who hardly get time to even have
environment at home, instead of just making the living lunch, so taking time out separately for exercising is
room an office, it is also important to socialize, so not possible as you are mentally so exhausted by the
co-working spaces work best. The physical interaction end of the day.
that happens between people working in different fields,
and the professional type of environment, both help to There are so many activities which can happen in the
keep our minds focused on work. office, which change our mood, energize us, and
excite us towards work. When we sit in office and
have lunch or snacks with our colleagues, it’s a quite
different feeling, it helps us to relax between work and
Prasan Dutt have some deep topic discussions related/unrelated
to work which not just broadens our minds but also
strengthen our connections with our colleagues and
team members.
I would be preferring Hybrid Model of working in
upcoming times. The reason for choosing this type of You limit your growth when you sit at home entire day
model will be revealed in this article. Pandemic has and do not have any other than work interactions
caused a lot of changes in our lives. At first, we never with your colleagues which limits your knowledge
imagined to work from home but slowly and steadily because you never get to know things what they are
we got used to this and made it a part of our routine.
doing for their growth and you miss a chance of being
We are now so comfortable with it that we do not want
Work-from-office even if our situation allows us.
Another important reason, if your work pressure is
remarkably high, then your personal and profession-
Our mind works like this if we do certain things for a al life mixes up completely and it creates a worse
long duration of time and strongly believe that it is impact on your health. Even being at home, you do
beneficial for us then it becomes a habit.
not have any time for your family members, friends or
for yourself. In some cases, your anger or frustration
A lot of people now wants to work from home because even comes out on your family members which is not
you are in your own little controllable space, from fair. But if you work from the office, that gap between
financial aspect it saves money and even your family your office to home helps and when you are crossing
by now has got adjusted with your work routine.
that, your mind gets a chance to put things into
perspective and calms you down hence, your anger
You feel more efficient and can give more number of subsides. Work-from-home also disturbs your focus
hours when you work from home as you save a lot of a lot as there are a lot of activities going on in the
time which you would have wasted otherwise by house like guests coming, preparing food, TV, etc.
being stuck in traffic or in commuting from home to
Stating the above reasons in conclusion, hybrid
model of work provides a great work-life balance.
Due to the situations we have forgotten that there was
reason why people used to Work from office from last
so many years. I would like to highlight those reasons
as well.