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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com10Do you recognize any of these in yourattitude?%u2022 Stubbornness%u2022 People Pleasing%u2022 Procrastination%u2022 Negative Self-Talk and BeliefsUnderstanding these behaviors can helpyou determine if your attitude is causingyou a problem. Changing thesebehaviors helps change your attitudeand your life.1. StubbornnessThe dictionary defines stubbornness as adetermination not to change one'sattitude or position on something.Stubborn people%u2019s attitude includes theirrefusal to consider other viewpoints,adapt their behaviors, and acceptchange. Success requires the ability towork with different people, thoughts,and aspects of a problem. Stubbornpeople only see their opinion or way asthe right one. They lose the opportunityto learn and grow from others or thesurrounding situation.Stubborn people are inflexible. Theydon%u2019t like to change. Stubborn peopleoften insist the world should be the waythey want it to be, regardless of thesituation. They don%u2019t take other people%u2019sneeds, wants, or thoughts into account.Stubbornness leads to a self-defeatingattitude when a person isn%u2019t open to newsolutions that could help them.2. People PleasingEveryone wants to be liked. But peoplepleasers carry this desire too far. Theydon%u2019t achieve their goals because they aretoo busy doing things to make otherpeople like them. Success depends onbeing able to focus on your plans andgoals. If a person is continually lettingothers%u2019 needs get in the way of their owngrowth, their attitude of wanting to pleaseeveryone sabotages their success.
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