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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com11Consider the secretary who wants tobecome a paralegal at her firm. Insteadof making time to go to school, shecontinually agrees to work overtime tohelp out her boss. She spends herweekends taking her elderly neighbor torun errands and volunteering foractivities at her church and her children%u2019sschool. While she may be well-liked byeveryone she helps, she is defeatingherself with her people-pleasing attitude.3. ProcrastinationThere is a saying that tomorrow is thebusiest day of the week. People whoprocrastinate and put off the workneeded to succeed are only defeatingthemselves. Five separate studiesconcluded that procrastination starts atthe beginning of a task, creating a chainof events that defeats a person%u2019s workthroughout the task. Procrastinationoften leads to additional problems,creating a situation where a person haseven more difficulty reaching their goal.A typical day for a procrastinatoroften goes like this:%u2022 A procrastinator can%u2019t find their carkeys because they didn%u2019t put them awaythe night before, making them late forwork.%u2022 After arriving late, they get a call fromtheir child%u2019s school telling them theydidn%u2019t turn in a permission slip on timeand need to come and sign their childout for a field trip.%u2022 When they finally get back to work,their co-workers ask them why theymissed the big meeting that morning.The procrastinator forgot to write it intheir calendar.%u2022 The procrastinator is late getting backfrom lunch because they forgot to packone and had to stand in line in thecafeteria.%u2022 After deciding to work late to make uptheir missed time, they get home andrealize they didn%u2019t stop and get the
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