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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com22contemplated which direction I wantedto go with our theme this month. Thefirst thing I like to do is research thedefinition of the word because I love tobreak down the meaning and discover itsorigin. According to Online EtymonlineDictionary (, Theword masterful dates back as far as late14c, is an adjective and derives from theword maisterful, \high-handed, despotic, controlling,imperious, overbearing, tyrannous,\master (n.) + -ful. It is very interesting tome how much words and definitionstend to evolve over time.themselves masterful enough to havecontrol over others in a way thatnegatively affects their life. This personhas become masterful in themanipulation of others, andunfortunately, there are many more whodo the same thing.BUT%u2026God has gifted each of us with a uniqueability to do something great. Yourgreatness might be for the world to seeor just for your community or, simply tomake a difference in the lives of yourloved ones. For to one is given throughthe Spirit the utterance of wisdom, andto another the utterance of knowledgeaccording to the same Spirit, to anotherfaith by the same Spirit, to another, giftsof healing by the one Spirit, to another,the working of miracles, to anotherprophecy, to another the ability todistinguish between spirits, to another,various kinds of tongues, to another theinterpretation of tongues. 1 Corinthians12:8-10 (ESV)As I continued the deep dive into myword research journey, I found that thehistory of the word itself was a bitcontroversial just like people who misusetheir talents. This all radiated with megreatly because I recently dealt with asituation where an individual was veryarrogant and thought it was humorousthat they felt they had power overothers. This behavior was sad to mebecause no one should consider
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