Page 18 - Demo
P. 18
www.i-am-magazine.com18You probably call something a flaw if themajority of people, or certain peoplewhose opinion you think is so great don%u2019tlike a trait in you.In fact, you probably believe a %u201cflaw%u201d is atrait that doesn%u2019t get you love from thepeople you wanted, or want it from themost.If it%u2019s none of this, and you feel like it%u2019s atrait you want to change, that%u2019s great. Itdoesn%u2019t mean there%u2019s something %u201cwrong%u201dwith you. It%u2019s just a trait you want tochange.I believe the ultimate is being and livingwho you naturally are. So if that trait ispart of your natural make-up, then that%u2019swhere you%u2019ll feel the most free and mostnatural, and you can love yourself.For self-acceptance, it doesn't meansettling for mediocrity or giving in tocomplacency; instead, it's aboutrecognizing that growth and change arenatural parts of being human.The negative connotation around selfacceptance arises from the belief that wemust simply tolerate and resign ourselvesto things in our life that we don%u2019t like, andare not natural, which undermines ourpotential for growth.