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www.i-am-magazine.com17Feeling Self-LoveSelf-love is a powerful force that emergeswhen we recognize our inherent worth andtreat ourselves with kindness, compassion,and understanding. It goes beyond societalexpectations and allows us to fully embraceour authentic selves without apology.Genuine self-love isn't just about surfacelevel affirmations or indulgences. In fact, Ibelieve affirmations don%u2019t know as firstlythey%u2019re surface levels, and secondarily theymight not get to the heart of what%u2019s actuallygoing on under the surface.Self-love encompasses a deep sense of selfrespect, nurturing, and honoring our ownneeds and boundaries.Challenging the Notion of SelfAcceptanceThe term \often evokesmixed reactions, and it's understandable.At its core, self-acceptance invites us toacknowledge our %u201cflaws%u201d and%u201cimperfections%u201d without judgment or shame.And again, I don%u2019t believe we have %u201cflaws%u201d or%u201cimperfections%u201d.If you feel like you do, you can ask%u201cAccording to whom?%u201d.