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www.i-am-magazine.com27luxurious public bath that functionedfrom the third century until the sixthcentury, the Vatican City, a city-state isthe headquarters of the Roman CatholicChurch. It's home to the Pope and a troveof iconic art and architecture. Its VaticanMuseums house ancient Romansculptures such as the famed %u201cLaoco%u00f6nand His Sons%u201d as well as Renaissancefrescoes in the Raphael Rooms and theSistine Chapel, famous for Michelangelo%u2019sceiling. You can descend into the ancientcatacombs, where early Christians buriedsaints and popes alongside commoners.A local guide will lead you through theburial chambers before your visit to St.Paul%u2019s Basilica, one of the four mostimportant basilicas of Rome. Originallyfounded by Constantine the Great, theBasilica also houses the tomb of St. Paul.The Pantheon, a former Roman templeand, since 609 AD, a Catholic Church inRome, Italy, on the site of an earliertemple commissioned by Marcus Agrippaduring the reign of Augustus. It wasrebuilt by the emperor Hadrian andprobably dedicated c. 126 AD are just afew of the sites that should be on yourlist. Rome is also renowned for itsdelicious cuisine, with traditional dishessuch carbonara, amatriciana, and pizza,all Romana being among the favorites.En route to the Sorrento Peninsula, thereis iconic Pompeii, a UNESCO WorldHeritage Site, for a guided walking tour ofthe ancient city%u2019s ruins.Pompeii, once a flourishing resort city forancient Rome%u2019s elite%u2014was like beforeMount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D.,burying the town in a blanket of volcanicash, and killing 2,000 people. You canexplore the excavated ruins of theaters,villas, temples, and baths%u2014and view themummified remains of Pompeiian people%u2014for a true understanding of what lifewas like in the once-thriving town, as wellas the scale of the devastating eruption.Sorrento is a lovely coastal town locatedon the Bay of Naples. The town featurespicturesque cliffside views of theMediterranean Sea, beautiful gardens,and historic buildings. The best way to