Page 31 - Demo
P. 31
Who am I? A solo female traveler who has been traveling and experiencing the local life non-stop forthe last 8 years. I had been to 55 countries and counting. I speak 5 languages and love meeting newpeople and experiencing new adventures. One of my rules is\ say NO to new experiences\This is how I found myself stranded on the Amazon river for over a week (eating a pig that wasslaughtered in front of me and drinking water from the river). This is how I ended up overstaying myvisa in Vietnam. This is how I ended up at many, many local dinners with local people inSri Lanka and Myanmar.This is how I ended up crashing local weddings in Cambodia and in the Philippines. This is how I endedup getting Zika and Dengue in the Amazon in Brazil (I promise, this won%u00b4t happen to you!),and many many more!!I had become an expert in backpacking and getting myself into the most awesomeadventures of my life!!