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34www.i-am-magazine.comWho SaidThat, andWhy Do YouBelieve It?J Lulu BrownFrom the age of 5, I've always questionedwhat I was told. I felt the need to ask%u201cwhy%u201d constantly. Sadly, only someanswers got to the root of my question ofwhy. From childhood into adulthood, I'vealways been one to question everything,ask why and who said that; moreimportantly, why should I believe it?I want to provoke thought on why webelieve what we're told, often withoutquestion. We live in an exciting time: theubiquity of social media allows for rapidaccess to information, constantly feedingour perceptions and feelings.There are times when social media lies.Discriminating between reliable versusunreliable sources of information is adifficult task that requires vigilance andeffort. Unfortunately, many chooseunreliable sources, leading to erroneousbeliefs in %u201calternative facts.%u201dHave you ever questioned some of thethings that we are told that shape ourworldview that we have based the rulesof our life on but have no idea why we dothe things that we're told? Here is anexample; who came up with the idea thatwomen should take care of children,clean the home, and cook the meals?Who said that? Why should we apply itto our lives? Does it work for our specifichousehold and within our family? Duringmy years in corporate America, peoplewere astonished that I did not cook,clean my home, or do laundry; instead,those were chores that my husbandcompleted. This was simply because we