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                                    35www.i-am-magazine.comdecided that our home did not follow thestandard book of rules provided to us.I traveled extensively at a point in mycareer when household chores were not areality. Without asking, my husbandautomatically began to take on chores Iwas not home to complete. He nevercomplained that he was doing laundry,cooking meals, and cleaning the house.Likewise, there was a point when myhusband was extremely busy starting anew business; at that time, I could workfrom home, so I resumed cooking meals,cleaning the house, and doing thelaundry. Additionally, I made sure thatthe garbage was taken out. I ensured thetrash was at the curb on the appointedday for pickup and placed back in itsproper area once the rubbish wascollected.It never occurred to me to leave thegarbage until my husband came homebecause it's considered something thatthe male in a home completes. My wordsmay seem as if things are beingoversimplified here. Still, it is an excellentexample of how we are taught thingsfrom a young age that shape ourworldview. As we adopt them, we neverquestion why we do them or, moreimportantly, why we were told to dosomething a specific way even when itdoes not benefit us.When we come into this world, we aretaught what to think and not to think.We are taught cultural rules andpractices without explanation other than,%u201cThat is how it%u2019s%u2019 always been done.%u201d Hereis the danger when we do not question%u201cwho said that and why should webelieve it%u201d; we adopt practices that donot serve us in life and limit our ability toevolve as authentic %u201cHuman Beings.%u201dThe question for social scientists is whatis the psychological process thatunderlies our vulnerability to informationthat is only marginally accurate, may notwork to our benefit, or is outright false?Although there are no simple answers,the understanding of how we, people,seek and process information allows thefollowing assumptions:
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