Page 39 - Demo
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39www.i-am-magazine.comAbout HealthHOW TOIMPROVEYOUR BLOODCIRCULATIONAND WHYSHOULD YOUYour circulation involves your heart,the arteries, the tiny arterioles,capillaries, venules, veins, and eventhe lungs that exchange deoxygenated blood for oxygenatedblood, which is what every cell needsin order to have normal cellularprocesses.Circulation Is Necessary for LifeSome parts of the body have what%u2019scalled %u201cdual circulation,%u201d which meansthat the arteries have doubled up sothat if one is blocked, other arteriescan provide circulation to the samearea, so no cell death occurs.Some areas of the body aren%u2019t so lucky.The heart, for example, has littleduplication of arterial supply so that,when an artery gets blocked, cell deathoccurs, and you have a heart attack.The brain also has very little duplicationof arterial supply so that strokes canhappen when arteries are blocked.Blood circulation is necessary for thebody to function and remain healthy.Your heart pumps blood through bloodvessels throughout the circulatorysystem. Red blood cells carry oxygen tovital organs, which provides you withenergy and vitality. Together, your vitalorgans and circulatory system form aunit that works constantly to make surethe body has adequate blood flow.Certain diseases inhibit this flow.