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                                    I am worthy.I am fully deserving of love and acceptance.I am continually falling more and more in love with myself.I am my best friend.I am a magnet to people who see my worth and treat me like I deserve.I am a repeller to anyone who makes me doubt my self-worth.I am beautiful inside and out.I am continually finding new things I love about myself.I am open to seeing and recognizing my beauty in new ways.I am free of all self-doubt forged inside during my childhood.I am free of all self-doubt formed inside during past relationships.I am utterly and absolutely proud of the woman I am today and the oneI%u2019m becoming.I am a kind soul and a beautiful powerful woman.I am smart.I am the best at what I do.I am confident in who I am.I am a catch; my relationship reflects the deep love I feel for myself.I am a reflection of my most authentic, highest self.I am a strong woman; confidence is what I%u2019m known forI am continually taking my self-esteem to new, higher levels.www.i-am-magazine.com33I AM \A little positive thinking in the morning can change your day.So, today, get up with powerful thinking to set the tone andallow success to reverberate in every moment of your day.
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