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                                    36www.i-am-magazine.comWe know that information is transmittedby observation and experience. Aschildren, we learn from our parents andpeers. These early experiences, alongwith our genetic predispositions, lead toour values and our preferences: socialjustice, the meaning of success, etc.The narratives we are exposed to shapeour interpretation of life and our beliefs.These core, fundamental beliefs thatevolve as we mature will likely beconsistent with our immediateenvironment's values and ideology%u2014religious, political, and cultural%u2014.Once the belief has been established, it ismaintained by various cognitive biases or%u201cthinking shortcuts.%u201d The primary purposeof the shortcuts is to save energy andkeep a perception of certainty.On the media side, those who areinvested in promoting a specific ideologyare skilled in providing ampleopportunities to their audience:Use of narratives and stories thatinclude just enough facts to beplausible.Use language (keywords in the title,for example) that evokes a desiredemotional state (frequently anegative emotion, frustration, orresentment).The rest of the persuasion isdelegated to the individual and theirthinking habits. We focus ourattention on information consistentwith our established points of view.This process leads to furtherreinforcement and narrowing of ourfuture choices.1.2.3.According to this perspective, it iseasier for most of us to mentally%u201cdefault%u201d to those facts and opinionsthat decrease our anxieties and supportour view of the world.How we process information and themedia is familiar. What is unique is the24-hour news cycle with its need to fillthe time with content, the availabilityand popularity of social media, and theimmediacy of response (that helps toshape the intended message).Think about your own identity at thispoint and time in your life. What areyour beliefs, and why do you believethem?
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