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                                    40www.i-am-magazine.comCauses Of Poor Blood CirculationBlood clots can slow or block bloodcirculation, and when this happens eithera stroke or severe arterial damage canoccur. Raynaud's Disease can cause poorblood circulation along with heartdisease and deep vein thrombosis.5 Ways to Improve Your BloodCirculation1. Exercise aerobically: When you doaerobic exercise, the blood flows to allthe parts of the body, and the arteriescirculate. Exercise is part of a hearthealthy program that gets the bloodpumping through the heart and throughthe arteries of the heart. Exercise isknown to decrease your risk of commoncirculatory disorders, such as heartattacks, stroke, and peripheral vasculardisease.2. Eat low cholesterol foods:Cholesterol can cause plaque build-up inthe inner lining of the arteries. Theygradually narrow and eventually narrowso much that the flow of blood throughthe arteries is so sluggish that blood clotsform (these are called thrombi). Ifthrombi happen in the brain, you can geta stroke. If thrombi happen in the heart,you can get a heart attack. If thrombidevelop in the arteries of the legs, youget peripheral vascular disease. Lowcholesterol foods don%u2019t contribute togetting cholesterol plaques.Oatmeal and oat cerealBlueberriesPsylliumOrangesApplesNutsStrawberriesBeansDried peasFlaxseedsCarrotsCeleryCucumbers3. Eat soluble fiber: Soluble fiber soaksup cholesterol in the gut so that lesscholesterol is absorbed by the GI tract.Common sources of soluble fiber include:Soluble fiber, in particular decrease theamount of LDL cholesterol in thebloodstream, which is the kind ofcholesterol that makes arterial plaques.
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