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44www.i-am-magazine.comWhat Do You Truly Want?- Find Your Inner VoiceWhat Do You Truly Want?- Find Your Inner Voiceby Heather Jeanof Confidence Through Cabaretremember a time (not so long ago) when Idreaded any questions such as %u2018What doyou truly want?%u2019 or %u2018What is your truecalling?%u2019. I simply couldn%u2019t hear my ownvoice to have these answers.Our programming may be so strong that itis difficult to hear our inner voice or knowwhat we are called to do.What I have learned about embracingstillness to hear my inner voice isinvaluable. It is something I practice daily.You may find stillness in nature, in sitting,or walking, depending on what you prefer.My most comfortable place to find stillnessis alone in nature, which is a space I neverthought I%u2019d enjoy.I also believed that if I meditated (which Ido), it would be enough to find my voice.No question, it helps. But there is muchmore than meditation required to learn tohear your own voice (although, it is a goodstart).