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                                    46www.i-am-magazine.comIntentions Are EverythingIn any action, it is essential to know yourintentions. Be purposeful with this workto set your intentions for knowingyourself or knowing what you want, orwhat your true calling is. This will helpoverride some of the ego and varioussaboteurs that often take over yourinner voice.Intentions are key, so try setting theintention to get to know what nourishesyou for wellness and balance e.g. inrelationships, career, creativity,environment, etc.When I set my intentions and follow thepractice of stillness, it helps me shut theextra stories down that creep into mythoughts from my perfectionist, peoplepleasing procrastinator saboteur voicesin my head. Especially an Impostorvoice can steer us off any ideas offinding our joy, motivation, and innerknowing. I find this impostor saboteurshowing up in various ways with manyof my coaching clients.Your intentions will help your mind, instillness, to break down any actions intomanageable chunks. At this stage, youdon%u2019t need to focus on %u2018how%u2019 but you dowant to tap into your inner knowing. Forexample, you could set an intention ofunderstanding what steps you need totake to follow your inner knowing orimprove your mental, physical, emotional,or spiritual alignment.%u201cActs are ruled by intention.What you mean is what you get%u201dWhen in Doubt Dance! Dance! Dance!We are all aware that our body and mindare connected. Change the state of oneand it will change the other.Before I was ready to embrace thesetechniques to connect with my innervoice, I needed to connect to my body; tofeel, explore and accept it.
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